embrace pregnancy!
I invite you to discover that the magic of motherhood has no limits, and that pregnancy . . . is altogether an art. That’s right! Just in case it has never occurred to you, our most beautiful works of art are our babies. Of course! We become “artists” when nature gives us the gift of conceiving our babies. And, our task as “artists” extends throughout pregnancy, with the dowry of virtue and grace we are given to gestate our babies with love and respect, from the beginning to the end of our pregnancies.
With all of this in mind, I started writing inspirational books, as well as short stories and beautiful tales created by my imagination. So, one day I decided to share them with you, to give you something special to read not only for you, but also for your babies in gestation.
For all of you and your babies, allow me to share my beautiful books, to help you to live your motherhood intensely. Enjoy them!
Ilianne Walroth